Stephen Hicks

The talkative sex

Researchers say the average woman speaks 20,000 words a day, and the average man speaks 7,000. Apparently, the Foxp2 protein is implicated. So we may now have an answer to this wry question from Austin O’Malley: “Why is the word tongue feminine in Greek, Latin, Italian, Spanish, French and German?” And this intriguing study of […]

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Pope Francis, C. S. Lewis, and Christian economics

Should Christians be socialists? Some data points: * Pope Francis delivered a strongly leftist apostolic exhortation, condemning free markets and endorsing some sort of paternalistic egalitarianism.[1] * C. S. Lewis argued in Mere Christianity that “a Christian society would be what we now call Leftist” — its economics would be socialist, no luxuries would be

Pope Francis, C. S. Lewis, and Christian economics Read More »

Review of Gotthelf and Lennox’s *Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge*

My review of Allan Gotthelf and James G. Lennox’s Concepts and Their Role in Knowledge: Reflections on Objectivist Epistemology (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013) is now out in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. Gotthelf and Lennox jointly edited the volume and provided essays of their own. The other contributors are Benjamin Bayer, Jim Bogen, Bill Brewer,

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European country data on the minimum wage

At The Money Illusion blog: “Regarding the minimum wage, here is some data for Western Europe: “There are nine countries with a minimum wage (Belgium, Netherlands, Britain, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Luxembourg). Their unemployment rates range from 5.9% in Luxembourg to 27.6% in Greece. The median country is France with 11.1% unemployment. “There are

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My review of Gibson’s *Ethics and Business* (audio)

My review of Kevin Gibson’s Ethics and Business: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2007) was published in the journal Teaching Philosophy (Spring 2010). Here’s a 13-minute audio version of the review in MP3 or at YouTube. Topics covered in the review: * Criteria for evaluating textbooks in business ethics. * The Concession versus Contractual theories

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Full Kaizen interview with entrepreneur Enrique Duhau

At the CEE site, my full interview with entrepreneurial agriculturalist Enrique Duhau. Be sure to read about how his first business was wiped out by a tornado, how he competed successfully against smugglers, and how he built his family’s agriculture business into one of Argentina’s largest. From the introduction: Enrique Duhau is President of Administración

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