Stephen Hicks

Philosopher Paul Kidder on Rand

Professor Paul Kidder published a short article entitled “The Simplistic Flaw in Ayn Rand’s Philosophy: A philosophy professor dissects the faulty logic in the libertarians’ favorite deep-thinker.” Kidder’s argument is that Rand’s position amounts to asserting that only entirely self-sufficient entrepreneurs have worth; consequently her philosophy is flawed in overlooking or ignoring the value that

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Spanish translation of “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship”

“Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento.” The Spanish translation of my essay is by Walter Jerusalinsky and published online at Idóneos e-magazine. The essay was first published in English as “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” [pdf] in the Journal of Private Enterprise. It’s also available at the Social Science Research

Spanish translation of “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” Read More »

August Landmesser, Heinrich Himmler, Michael Karkoc, and Alfred Rosenberg

A busy week for Nazi-related news items: * A profile of August Landmesser, the man who famously crossed his arms and refused to salute Hitler, and how the Nazi regime destroyed him and his family. * A short, blunt, and horrifying speech given by Himmler to a group of SS officers: “I am talking about

August Landmesser, Heinrich Himmler, Michael Karkoc, and Alfred Rosenberg Read More »