Stephen Hicks

Kaizen Weekly Review — Magatte Wade, David Henderson, and more

The new edition of Kaizen Weekly Review features my interview with Senegalese-American entrepreneur Magatte Wade, David Henderson on “robber barons,” James Shikwati on aid versus entrepreneurial development in Africa, Forbes on companies that cultivate their employees’ happiness, a post on “Third Way” politics, and my lecture in Brazil on entrepreneurs as moral heroes. All issues […]

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The two Americas: 13 countries’ GDP

I’ve started reading Guillermo M. Yeatts’s 2010 Plunder in Latin America. Yeatts lists thirteen American countries’ per capita GDP in 2008 US dollars, first alphabetically by country: Argentina 8,281 Bolivia 1,948 Brazil 8,379 Canada 46,826 Chile 10,933 Colombia 5,478 Cuba 4,840 Ecuador 3,770 Mexico 10,278 Peru 4,454 Uruguay 8,942 USA 46,647 Venezuela 4,315 I re-arranged

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New: Kaizen Weekly Review

A new feature from the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship: Kaizen Weekly Review. Edited by Virginia Murr, the review highlights news in business ethics and entrepreneurship as well as CEE activities. This week’s inaugural edition features Shawn Klein on Lance Armstrong, Alexei Marcoux’s Business Ethics Journal Review, William Kline on Liberty Studies, entrepreneur Judy Estrin’s

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Ideological wars in anthropology

Is peace or war the natural state of man? Do men fight primarily over material possessions or over women? For decades anthropologist Napoleon Chagnon studied the Yanomamö, a remote tribe in South America, learning about their almost-constant warfare — and his findings put him in open conflict with academic anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association.

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You should be forced to buy this book

Aspiring philosopher-queen Sarah O. Conly is an assistant professor of philosophy at Bowdoin College. A description of her Against Autonomy: Justifying Coercive Paternalism, published by Cambridge University Press in 2012: “Against Autonomy is a defense of paternalistic laws; that is, laws that make you do things, or prevent you from doing things, for your own

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