Stephen Hicks

Millick’s *The Challenges for Leadership, Values, and Happiness*

I recommend Charles Millick’s The Challenges for Leadership, Values, and Happiness. Millick is a business professor at Wheeling Jesuit University, where he relocated after decades of real-life business experience at General Electric and other blue-chip corporations, as an entrepreneur, and as a management consultant. In this new book, Millick collects and condenses decades of leadership […]

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Reason Papers: my review of America the Philosophical

My short, unhappy review [pdf] of Carlin Romano’s America the Philosophical (A.A. Knopf, 2012) is now out in the latest issue of Reason Papers. The issue as a whole [pdf] also features a timely symposium of seven scholars on Sari Nusseibeh’s What Is a Palestinian State Worth?, several independent essays, and ten reviews of recent

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