Stephen Hicks

Kindle edition of Explaining Postmodernism, Expanded Edition, now available

The Kindle version of the new, Expanded Edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is now available. The hardcover will be out next month. The expanded edition also includes my Free Speech and Postmodernism and From Modern to Postmodern Art: Why Art Became Ugly essay. Images of the art works […]

Kindle edition of Explaining Postmodernism, Expanded Edition, now available Read More »

Talk at Free Minds / Atlas Society seminar

I’ll be giving a talk entitled “Using Great Entrepreneurs to Teach Great Philosophy” at the Free Minds / Atlas Society seminar in Anaheim next week. The complete list of speakers and talk titles is available starting here. While in California, I’ll also be interviewing a stylish entrepreneur for an upcoming issue of Kaizen.

Talk at Free Minds / Atlas Society seminar Read More »

Expanded edition of Explaining Postmodernism published

The Expanded Edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is scheduled for release mid-August in both hardcover and Kindle versions. The first edition did well (for a philosophy book), going through two hardcover and nine softcover printings. The expanded edition includes the original text, though with many new footnotes and

Expanded edition of Explaining Postmodernism published Read More »

Talk at Liberty Fund on art and free markets

Earlier this week I gave a talk in Indianapolis at the excellent Liberty Fund on whether free-market capitalism is good or bad for art. The question matters in today’s intellectual context because thinkers on both left and right argue regularly that art suffers under free market systems. Traditional conservatives such as Robert Bork and neo-conservatives

Talk at Liberty Fund on art and free markets Read More »

Video of my lecture at the Austrian Economics conference, Argentina

At the third 2010 International Conference, “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century,” held in 2010 in Rosario, Argentina, I gave a keynote lecture entitled “Austrians, Objectivists, and the Unrequited Love of Philosophy for Economics.” The conference was co-sponsored by the Bases Foundation, the Faculty of Economics of the Pontifical Catholic University of

Video of my lecture at the Austrian Economics conference, Argentina Read More »