Stephen Hicks

My review of Gibson’s Ethics and Business now online

My four-page review of Kevin Gibson’s Ethics and Business: An Introduction (Cambridge University Press, 2007) was published in the Spring 2010 issue of Teaching Philosophy. Here now is a PDF of the review. From my introduction: “Gibson’s approach is middle-of-the-road in the content of his beliefs about business and ethics, so this is a mainstream […]

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Kindle version of Explaining Postmodernism published

The Kindle version of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is now available. The book had a gratifying two hardcover printings and eight softcover printings from 2004-2009, and I am finalizing an expanded edition to be published in hardcover in the spring of 2011. Here’s the book description: “Tracing postmodernism from

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Sir Ken Robinson on factory schools

A stimulating, 11:40-minute animated talk by Ken Robinson. I have qualms about some of Robinson’s intellectual-history-of-education claims, but his portrait of mainstream contemporary education (especially the repulsive cop-out that is the ADHD “epidemic”) and his prescriptions for reform are bang-on accurate. [Which reminds me of my extended series on the philosophy and history of education.]

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Entrepreneurship, individualism, and collectivism

A pair of striking excerpts from a discussion at CNN Money between motivational speaker Ken Blanchard and Scott Shane, professor of entrepreneurship at Case Western. Here is Scott Shane on whether the government should encourage entrepreneurship or craft policies to divert resources to high-growth companies: “From a societal point of view, if you have a

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Ray Stata, Lyric Semiconductor, and probability chips

Stata Ventures is Kaizen interviewee Ray Stata’s venture capital vehicle. It recently provided funding to technology startup Lyric Semiconductor. Lyric is developing probability chip technology. Traditional chips use binary “yes/no” switches, but probability chips “can accept inputs and calculate outputs that are between 0 and 1, directly representing probabilities, or levels of certainty.” Commercial applications

Ray Stata, Lyric Semiconductor, and probability chips Read More »

Kaizen 14 — the Mary Mazzio interview

The latest issue of Kaizen [pdf] features my interview with Mary Mazzio, award-winning documentary filmmaker, Olympic rower, and former law firm partner with Brown Rudnick. The theme of the interview is Documentary Filmmaking and Entrepreneurship. I hope you enjoy my wide-ranging discussion with the multi-faceted Mary Mazzio, including her latest project, Ten9Eight. Also featured in

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