Stephen Hicks

Jerry Kirkpatrick on philosophy’s importance to business

Professor Jerry Kirkpatrick gave a talk at Rockford College on October 27 on “The Importance of Philosophy to Business.” Dr. Kirkpatrick is Professor of International Business at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. His talk was sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. In the following two-part interview after his talk, I speak with Dr. […]

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Bibliography [Nietzsche and the Nazis]

[This is the Bibliography for Nietzsche and the Nazis.] Nietzsche and the Nazis—Bibliography Ahern, Daniel R. 1995. Nietzsche as Cultural Physician. Pennsylvania State University Press. Allison, David B. 2001. Reading the New Nietzsche. Rowman and Littlefield. Anchor, Robert. 1972. Germany Confronts Modernization, German Culture and Society, 1790-1890. D. C. Heath. Barkai, Avraham. 1990. Nazi Economics:

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