Stephen Hicks

Worth Reading for October 2004

10/30 Another minority group that needs protection: This Hallowe’en let’s all try to a brief history of Samhain, commonly known as Hallowe’en. 10/29 Liberty magazine’s four perspectives on voting for president: Lessons from the Iraq War: Reconciling Liberty and Security. 10/27 I am reading Michelangelo’s art, life, and historical context. 10/26 Walter Olson and the

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Worth Reading for July 2004

7/31 Ed Hudgins tracks how many paternalist and socialist schemes John Kerry packed into his speech to the Democratic convention. And Robert Tracinski analyzes Kerry’s fellow Democrats’ bait-and-switch technique in their convention speeches. Note also Tracinski’s prediction that the Republicans won’t do much better at their convention next month. 7/30 Chris Goodman reconsiders Waller Newell’s

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