Stephen Hicks

Polish translation of “Understanding Microaggression Theory as Strategy” (and original English)

“Poważne teorie ukryte za tłumieniem wolności słowa1” (PDF) is published in the journal Filozofia Edukacji. The original article in English. Thanks to Professor Piotr Kostyło for making the Polish publication possible. A few years ago my “Educating for Entrepreneurship” was published in Polish in the education journal Przegląd Pedagogiczny. The Polish title of the article

Polish translation of “Understanding Microaggression Theory as Strategy” (and original English) Read More »

Objectivism and Technological Trends Panel

Earlier this month in California I participated in this discussion with Robert Tracinski and Jennifer Grossman: * Why the polarized techno-optimism versus techno-pessimism? * What transformative technologies — e.g., artificial intelligences and robotics — are in the offing? * What is the role for good philosophy, e.g., Objectivism, in making and managing transformative technologies? Related:

Objectivism and Technological Trends Panel Read More »

Real Diversity: Individualism vs. “DEI & CRT

I participated in this 24-minute panel with with this excellent duo, Jason Hill and Kmele Foster, at the The Atlas Society gala in California, October 2022. How is individualism the moral and inspirational solution to the crudity of racism, against the collectivist guilt-and-resentment approaches of Critical Race Theory and DEI? Related: Ayn Rand on Individual

Real Diversity: Individualism vs. “DEI & CRT Read More »

Was Nietzsche individualist? Mass sacrifice version

Nietzsche has a reputation for being an individualist. But note this call for mass sacrifice—from his Genealogy of Morals: “mankind in the mass sacrificed to the prosperity of a single stronger species of man — that would be an advance.” (GM II:12) Nietzsche’s sometimes-yes-sometimes-not individualism is complicated. For more, check out my “Egoism in Nietzsche

Was Nietzsche individualist? Mass sacrifice version Read More »