Stephen Hicks

Socialist professor Heilbroner: Who Predicted Socialism’s Failure?

In 1990, the year after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the year before the final collapse of the Soviet Union, Professor Robert Heilbroner wrote this: “But what spokesman of the present generation has anticipated the demise of socialism or the ‘triumph of capitalism’? Not a single writer in the Marxian tradition! Are there

Socialist professor Heilbroner: Who Predicted Socialism’s Failure? Read More »

Does Modern Monetary Theory mean we no longer need to pay taxes? (he asks hopefully)

Check out this definition: “Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is an economic theory that suggests that the government could simply create more money without consequence as it’s the issuer of the currency, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond.” Which seems to imply that taxation is obsolete, as the second paragraph hints: Excellent. I’m totally in.

Does Modern Monetary Theory mean we no longer need to pay taxes? (he asks hopefully) Read More »

Audiobook with timestamping now (Explaining Postmodernism)

For ease of browsing and navigation, this audio edition read by author Stephen R.C. Hicks now has timestamps for each chapter and section: 00:00:00 EXPLAINING POSTMODERNISM 00:00:25 CHAPTER ONE: What Postmodernism Is 00:02:22 The postmodern vanguard: Foucault, Lyotard, Derrida, Rorty 00:09:22 Modern and postmodern 00:12:22 Modernism and the Enlightenment 00:22:50 Postmodernism versus the Enlightenment 00:25:06

Audiobook with timestamping now (Explaining Postmodernism) Read More »

Cathy Young’s “The Return of the Anti‐​Enlightenment”

Worth reading: The full text of Young’s judicious 2022 article for Cato Policy Report. Related: Chapter One of Explaining Postmodernism for an overview of the Enlightenment against which the postmoderns are reacting. Full audiobook here. My Enlightenment Vision flowchart is pitched at a high level of abstraction, showing schematically how the philosophical revolution of the

Cathy Young’s “The Return of the Anti‐​Enlightenment” Read More »