
July Book Club: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.

With the participation of Professor Hicks The Atlas Society Book Club will have Stephen Hicks in the hot seat on July 25th at 4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET to discuss all things Postmodern and his book, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. In Explaining Postmodernism, Hicks provides fresh insights into the debates underlying the furor over […]

July Book Club: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Read More »

Plato, censorship, and “the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry” excerpt from *The Republic*

Plato on Censorship and “the Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry” Excerpt from Book 10 of The Republic. Written 360 B.C.E. [Socrates and Glaucon in conversation]  [Speakers: Socrates and Glaucon in conversation] [Socrates:] Of the many excellences which I perceive in the order of our State, there is none which upon reflection pleases me better

Plato, censorship, and “the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry” excerpt from *The Republic* Read More »

La hermana de Nietzsche y *The Will to Power* [transcripción de Open College]

La hermana de Nietzsche y The Will to Power [transcripción de Open College] Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Este episodio está inspirado en mi re-lectura de The Will to Power de Nietzsche. […]”cada palabra de The Will to Power fue escrita por Nietzsche en sus cuadernos de notas de 1883-1888″. Así que tiene ese

La hermana de Nietzsche y *The Will to Power* [transcripción de Open College] Read More »

Explicando o Pós-modernismo: Ceticismo e socialismo — de Rousseau a Foucault 

Translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Publicado pela primeira vez em Inglês: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (Scholargy, 2004). Portugués: Faro Editorial (São Paulo, 2021). Amazon Brazil. E-book. Amazon Kindle. iTunes.Resumo: O Pós-modernismo, por abordar temas que afligem o homem de hoje — como às inquietações em relação ao futuro e o colapso

Explicando o Pós-modernismo: Ceticismo e socialismo — de Rousseau a Foucault  Read More »

Ayn Rand, “The Objectivist Ethics” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this unit of our course on Objectivity we feature Ayn Rand’s Objectivist Ethics. Rand was world-famous as the author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged when a collection of essays entitled The Virtue of Selfishness was published in 1964. In the opening essay, Rand presents a sustained argument for her ethic of rational self-interest. The full course on Objectivity:

Ayn Rand, “The Objectivist Ethics” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Professor Long’s course on Nietzsche and Modern Literature

For those interested in Friedrich Nietzsche and his connections to Thomas Mann, André Gide, D. H. Lawrence, Ayn Rand: Auburn University professor Roderick Long’s course on Nietzsche and Modern Literature is online with a treasure trove of readings, pictures, and musical clips. Related: My table with sources on Nietzsche and Rand: 124 Similarities and Differences.

Professor Long’s course on Nietzsche and Modern Literature Read More »