
On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska

Reality demandsthat we also mention this:Life goes on.It continues at Cannae and Borodino,at Kosovo Polje and Guernica. There’s a gas stationon a little square in Jericho,and wet painton park benches in Bila Hora.Letters fly back and forthbetween Pearl Harbor and Hastings,a moving van passesbeneath the eye of the lion at Chaeronea,and the blooming orchards near […]

On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska Read More »

Los Pobres Están Mejor Bajo el Capitalismo Liberal [*Liberalism: Pro & Con* en Español]

Quince argumentos para el Liberalismo: Este post va a formar parte de una serie de argumentos del libro Liberalism: Pro & Con de Stephen Hicks en español. (English edition here: Amazon.) Pueden encontrar todos los argumentos que serán publicados en orden en el siguiente link: Liberalism: Pro & Con en español. Argumento 6: Los pobres

Los Pobres Están Mejor Bajo el Capitalismo Liberal [*Liberalism: Pro & Con* en Español] Read More »

July Book Club: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.

With the participation of Professor Hicks The Atlas Society Book Club will have Stephen Hicks in the hot seat on July 25th at 4:30 PM PT / 7:30 PM ET to discuss all things Postmodern and his book, Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. In Explaining Postmodernism, Hicks provides fresh insights into the debates underlying the furor over

July Book Club: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Read More »

Plato, censorship, and “the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry” excerpt from *The Republic*

Plato on Censorship and “the Ancient Quarrel between Philosophy and Poetry” Excerpt from Book 10 of The Republic. Written 360 B.C.E. [Socrates and Glaucon in conversation]  [Speakers: Socrates and Glaucon in conversation] [Socrates:] Of the many excellences which I perceive in the order of our State, there is none which upon reflection pleases me better

Plato, censorship, and “the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry” excerpt from *The Republic* Read More »

La hermana de Nietzsche y *The Will to Power* [transcripción de Open College]

La hermana de Nietzsche y The Will to Power [transcripción de Open College] Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Este episodio está inspirado en mi re-lectura de The Will to Power de Nietzsche. […]”cada palabra de The Will to Power fue escrita por Nietzsche en sus cuadernos de notas de 1883-1888″. Así que tiene ese

La hermana de Nietzsche y *The Will to Power* [transcripción de Open College] Read More »