
Ryan Faulkner-Hogg (Sweden) podcast on Nietzsche, Art, BLM, and more

I was long-form interviewed by Ryan Faulkner-Hogg of Atlas Geographica on this range of topics:: Introduction: 00:00 Aesthetics: 03:04 Do You Practice Art? 08:33 Modern “analytic” art, Modern “pessimist/expressionist” art, & Postmodern “deconstructive” art 10:24 Duchamp’s urinal 32:25 Objectivism v. Subjectivism: 39:30 BLM (benevolent v. Trojan Horse versions) & Marxism: 52:57 Hicks’s Formative Years: 1:00:00 […]

Ryan Faulkner-Hogg (Sweden) podcast on Nietzsche, Art, BLM, and more Read More »

Nureyev as thinking dancer (and movie recommendation)

What made Rudolf Nureyev an outstanding dancer? Some insights from biographer Julie Kavanagh’s Rudolf Nureyev: The Life. On his focus as a student and his eliminating non-essentials from his life: “I’ve always tended to reject everything in life which doesn’t enrich or directly concern my single dominating passion.” A fellow student noted: “When Rudolf arrived

Nureyev as thinking dancer (and movie recommendation) Read More »

Peter Schipperheyn’s *Zarathustra* sculpture

In Melbourne, I met Peter Schipperheyn, creator of the magnificent Thus Spake Zarathustra. The monumental piece is at the McClelland Sculpture Park near Mornington. The tension running through Zarathustra’s bowed body as he reaches and affirms his decision is powerful. Schipperheyn decided on its name in part from reading Nietzsche’s Ecce Homo (“Why I am

Peter Schipperheyn’s *Zarathustra* sculpture Read More »