Business Ethics

Anecdote: Warren Buffett and the power of corporations

One regularly reads or hears condemnations of the power of business corporations in the modern world. So let’s think about the nature of power. Witness Warren Buffett. Buffett is currently the sixth richest man in the world and head of the powerhouse Berkshire Hathaway corporation. I’m not a fan of his political or economic views,

Anecdote: Warren Buffett and the power of corporations Read More »

“What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” — text and audio versions

My short essay on “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” [pdf] was published in the Journal of Private Enterprise in 2009, just when entrepreneurism was beginning to get attention in the business ethics literature. The abstract: “Entrepreneurship is increasingly studied as a fundamental and foundational economic phenomenon. It has, however, received less attention as

“What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” — text and audio versions Read More »

Entrepreneurial Living: 15 Stories of Innovation, Risk, and Achievement (and One Story of Abject Failure)

Entrepreneurial Living, edited by Stephen R. C. Hicks and Jennifer Harrolle. In this volume of interviews with entrepreneurs from six countries and seven U.S. states, we explore the adventure—and the hard-headedness—of business. What makes for entrepreneurial success—and failure? To what extent is flourishing a matter of ideas, or of key decisions, or of persistent action,

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War metaphors and trade — Bastiat

A flotilla of ships is approaching your shore. Does it matter to you whether they are carrying smartphones and shoes — or rockets and soldiers? In his Economic Sophisms, Frédéric Bastiat makes this exasperated point: “A French ironmaster says: ‘We must protect ourselves from the invasion of English iron!’ An English landlord cries: ‘We must

War metaphors and trade — Bastiat Read More »

Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento

“Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento.” [HTML] [PDF]Stephen R.C. HicksDepartamento de Filosofía y Centro para la Ética y el EmprendimientoRockford University, Illinois, USA Publicado por primera vez en The Journal of Private Enterprise 24(2), 2009, 49-57.Traducido al Español por Walter Jerusalinsky, Idóneos, 2013. Resumen: El emprendimiento se está estudiando cada vez más

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