Business Ethics

Conclusion: abstracting the principles [Business Ethics Cases series]

My concluding video lecture on abstracting the principles in the business ethics cases we’ve covered so far: Minimum Wages, Rent Control, the Tragedy of the Commons, Laetrile (pharmaceuticals), and the F.C.C.’s “Fairness Doctrine” (telecomm). This lecture is part of the Business Ethics Cases series. Contents: Summary abstraction: comparing the cases. Supplement: Summary chart. Go to […]

Conclusion: abstracting the principles [Business Ethics Cases series] Read More »

Upcoming talk in Stockholm

From May 23-25, I’ll be participating in a colloquium on “Virtues and Entrepreneurship,” organized by Sweden’s Ratio Institute. My talk will be an extension of the theme of my “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship,” arguing that the success traits of entrepreneurship map onto an updated Aristotelian virtue set. The conference will include keynote

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Tragedy of the Commons [Business Ethics Cases series]

My video lecture, part of the Business Ethics Cases series. Contents: 1. What the tragedy is. 2. The free-market solution. 3. The socialist solution. 4. Comparing the two solutions. The entire video (43 minutes total): Supplements: * Garrett Hardin, “The Tragedy of the Commons”, Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. * Transcript of the above video lecture

Tragedy of the Commons [Business Ethics Cases series] Read More »

Introduction: Case Study Method [Business Ethics Cases series]

An introduction to applied case study methodology, part of the Business Ethics Cases series. Total time: 17 minutes. Next: Rent Control. Minimum Wages [forthcoming]. The Tragedy of the Commons [forthcoming]. Go to the Business Ethics Cases series. Or full playlists at YouTube. Go to the Philosophy of Education lecture series. Go to the main

Introduction: Case Study Method [Business Ethics Cases series] Read More »

Business Ethics Cases — introducing my new series

The Business Ethics Cases project is new for 2013. The initial series contains cases on Rent Control, Minimum Wages, The Tragedy of the Commons, Laetrile and Experimental Cancer Drugs, and the FCC’s “Fairness Doctrine,” as well as a short introductory lecture on case study method and a concluding lecture abstracting the common patterns of argument

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Television interview by David Hutzelman in Houston

I was interviewed by David Hutzelman on a variety of topics: entrepreneurial ethics, why business ethics should focus on the positive more than the negative, our cultural progress in developing institutions of trust and becoming comfortable with non-traditional social relationships. Here’s Part I of the interview: Update: The full interview is now available. In the

Television interview by David Hutzelman in Houston Read More »

Springer’s Handbook of Business Ethics now online

Springer’s massive 1,581-page Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics is now online. The multi-volume work covers business ethics from almost every conceivable perspective–Aristotelian, Marxist, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Kantian, utilitarian, feminist, free market, and more. I contributed the essay entitled “Entrepreneurship and Ethics,” which appears on pages 1239-1246. Cite: Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations

Springer’s Handbook of Business Ethics now online Read More »

Video lecture: “Public Policy, Objectivism, and Entrepreneurship”

My talk at the 2012 Atlas Summit in Washington, DC, is now online. My themes: * Our schizophrenic public policy culture: health, sex, religion, money * What wealth is: tangible, intangible, and institutional assets * Entrepreneurism as a cultural asset * Objectivism’s entrepreneurial ethic * Principled strategy in a mixed economy * Three challenges: abstractness,

Video lecture: “Public Policy, Objectivism, and Entrepreneurship” Read More »