Business Ethics

Drunk college kids, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve

Imagine a college dormitory, students away from home, and available alcohol. In any student population, some will drink too much. But most will do fine. Now suppose a Dean of Students who installs a bar in the dorm and subsidizes the price of booze, especially for favored students. Not surprisingly, the amount of student drunkenness […]

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When Adolf joined the Party

Adolf Hitler joined the Nazi party after being inspired by Gottfried Feder’s 1919 speech about the new party’s ideals. An indication of those ideals is in Feder’s 1919 publication, Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money. Here’s an excerpt from (Nazi sympathizer) Hadding Scott’s translation of Feder’s manifesto: “The abolition of enslavement

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Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea

First published in English : “Ayn Rand and Contemporary Business Ethics,” Journal of Accounting, Ethics, and Public Policy. Also at Social Science Research Network. Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Introducción: los negocios y la sociedad libre, La literatura contemporánea: los negocios como amorales o inmorales, La ética

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Public seminar: On Developing Entrepreneurial Character

On November 17, K. Mikey M and I will be presenting an open-to-the-public seminar: “Courage, perseverance, and embracing risk are key to innovation and entrepreneurial success. But where do those traits come from? We’re all works in progress, and this session focuses on how we cultivate the entrepreneurial mind-set and action-set in ourselves.” Hosted by the

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Employers pushing back against Cancel Culture

From a private correspondence: Quite frankly the “elite schools” are producing a raft of useless employees. These graduates come from an environment where dissent and opposing views are not only crushed, the person who expresses them becomes a pariah. I serve on the board of directors of an executive recruiting firm with a 40-year history.

Employers pushing back against Cancel Culture Read More »