Business Ethics

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios?

[A translation by Matheus Pacini and Vinicius Cintra into Portuguese of my “Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies?”] Levante o tópico dos monopólios, e a discussão resultante rapidamente evidenciará deficiências ideológicas. Um colega com quem lecionei nas áreas de negócios e capitalismo enviou-me, de forma entusiasmada, esse artigo escrito por Paul Krugman, um economista vencedor

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios? Read More »

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy?

Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks was published at The Foundation for Economic Education. Grégoire Canlorbe, a French intellectual entrepreneur residing in Paris conducted the interview. An excerpt follows. Grégoire Canlorbe: According to a popular opinion, left to its own devices, capitalism inevitably tends to a monopoly economy — an economy in

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy? Read More »

Audio edition of “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship”

My essay [pdf] was first published in 2009 in Journal of Private Enterprise. Here is the 21-minute audio edition in MP3 format or at YouTube. It’s also available at Amazon, and in Serbo-Croatian, Spanish [PDF] and Portuguese translations: [PDF] or [HTML]. Related: All of my audio editions, including my Open College podcast series.

Audio edition of “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” Read More »

Toxic Waste at Love Canal—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series]

The chemical leak at Love Canal informs our environmental thinking — but was it a government failure or a greedy-corporation failure? Audio link: iTunes Stitcher YouTube Topics: Good and bad news about Love Canal // Historical information // Consequences and the rise of environmental philosophy // Important facts // Who are the bad guys? // Bad-Corporations/Good-Government narrative

Toxic Waste at Love Canal—Who Really Cares About the Environment [Open College series] Read More »

Elizabeth Warren’s Plan — We’ve Seen This Before

Consider this description of an economic system: “The economy is collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level. This non-elected form of state officializing of every interest will reduce the marginalization of singular interests. The system will recognize every divergent interest into the state organically, not meaning a

Elizabeth Warren’s Plan — We’ve Seen This Before Read More »

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society

I was honored to be invited to be on the editorial board for the Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, the latest and greatest reference volume in business ethics. The seven-volume production was edited by Robert W. Kolb and published this year by Sage. I also contributed three articles — on Trade, Politicization of Business,

The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society Read More »