
Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea

First published in English : “Ayn Rand and Contemporary Business Ethics,” Journal of Accounting, Ethics, and Public Policy. Also at Social Science Research Network. Ayn Rand y la ética empresarial contemporánea Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Introducción: los negocios y la sociedad libre, La literatura contemporánea: los negocios como amorales o inmorales, La ética […]

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Capitalism Data [Atlas Intellectuals]

Here we bring you the last week from the Atlas Intellectuals course on Capitalism. We will show you some Capitalism Data and Indices from all over the world. To supplement the theory and history of capitalism, we now provide data on more and less capitalistic economies. Which are most open to entrepreneurship? Most respectful of property

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Vladimir Lenin, “How to Organize Competition” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This unit of the self-paced course on Socialism focuses on a theorist, revolutionary, and a leading figure in the October Revolution and the foundation of the Soviet Union. See our Executive Summary of Vladimir Lenin’s “How to Organize Competition”: ‘to achieve competitive socialism, Lenin urges that all the “vermin” be eradicated in Russia. War must

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Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. ¿Cuál es la razón de las grandes diferencias en el desempeño económico entre las dos Américas? Traducido al Español por María Marty, 2016. Para este y más artículos en español: Original article in English:

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América Latina debe abandonar su victimismo y abrirse al mundo

América Latina debe abandonar su victimismo y abrirse al mundo Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Hicks señala que una de las cosas que más lo ha sorprendido es el cinismo y victimismo de los intelectuales y de los latinoamericanos en general, y que el primer paso para resolver nuestros problemas sería asumir la responsabilidad

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Seth Levine on Reading the Market’s Postmodern Mind

Financial-market analyst Seth Levine on why understanding postmodernism matters to investors: “No matter how you slice it, markets are human. This even applies to the “algos” as it’s we who write their mechanistic marching orders. Thus, understanding human behavior can be helpful in assessing and anticipating market moves. There’s no choice in the fact that

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The SAGE Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society

I was honored to be invited to be on the editorial board for the Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society, the latest and greatest reference volume in business ethics. The seven-volume production was edited by Robert W. Kolb and published this year by Sage. I also contributed three articles — on Trade, Politicization of Business,

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