
Whose Bathroom Is It, Anyway? [Good Life series]

What happens when you mix politics, bathrooms, and sexuality? Let the joking begin. A politician walks into a transgender bar. [Fill in the blank here.] Afterwards, he tries to explain: “I really only wanted to use the bathroom.” Ha ha. But the serious business is the busybody politicians in North Carolina and Tennessee who have […]

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Goethe versus Beethoven on deference to aristocrats

From an account of the famous meeting of the two giants in 1812: Beethoven’s manners were described as rough, like “an unlicked bear,” while “Goethe’s social attitudes were shaped in a more formal age. For Beethoven, 21 years his junior, the only true aristocrats were artists. In the mythology, his disillusionment was clinched by Goethe’s

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Al Gini on Leadership — our CEE interview

[Here is a transcript of our eleven-minute video interview.] Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship Interview with Professor Al Gini on Leadership Hicks: I’m Stephen Hicks of CEE. Today we have with us Professor Al Gini from Loyola University Chicago, where he is chair of the management department and where he teaches business ethics. He is also

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How Randy Newman Solved Stanley Fish’s Credibility Problem

Stanley Fish, postmodern provocateur, gave a talk at Indiana University when I was a graduate student there in the late 1980s. He was then working on what would become There’s No Such Thing As Free Speech, And It’s a Good Thing, Too. Fish’s theme was social construction and oppression: We all are products of our

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Interview: “Latin America Needs to Abandon Its Victimization and Embrace the World”

I was interviewed for PanAm Post by columnist María Marty. The 13-minute interview itself is in English with Spanish subtitles and is prefaced by Ms. Marty’s summary in Spanish. PanAm‘s title is “América Latina debe abandonar su victimismo y abrirse al mundo” (“Latin America Needs to Abandon Its Victimization and Embrace the World.”) The topics:

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Hamminga on African epistemology

Two quotations from Bert Hamminga’s “Epistemology from the African Point of View”: “In the traditional African view, knowledge is not acquired by labor but ‘given’ by the ancestors. Second, it is immediately social: not ‘I’ know, but ‘we’ know. Thirdly, knowledge is not universal but local tribal: other tribes have different knowledge.” (p. 57) And:

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