
Spenger’s Introduction to *The Decline of the West* [text]

The Decline of the West By Oswald Spengler Translated from the German by Charles Francis Atkinson New York: A. A. Knopf, 1918 Spengler’s Preface to the First Edition The complete manuscript of this book — the outcome of three years’ work — was ready when the Great War broke out. By the spring of 1917

Spenger’s Introduction to *The Decline of the West* [text] Read More »

McCaffrey’s *Radical by Nature*

I’m reading Radical by Nature: The Green Assault on Liberty, Property, and Prosperity by Thomas J. McCaffrey. His target is radical environmentalism. Environmentalism as a big-tent label like feminism, liberalism, and conservatism, each having many competing strands within. McCaffrey focuses on the most philosophically fundamental versions of envrionmentalism — and with good reason, as that

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Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “When Altruism Becomes Pathological,” first published in English at EveryJoe and then translated into Portuguese at Portal Libertarianismo.] ¿Quién es más propenso a engañar? ¿Aquellos que practican deportes individuales o aquellos que practican deportes en equipo? Un experimento fascinante realizado por el profesor Sharon K. Stoll y publicado en el Chronicle of

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Cómo domesticar terroristas religiosos [Spanish translation]

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “How to Tame Religious Terrorists”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and translated into Portuguese here.] Derrotar a un enemigo, como al politizado Islam, implica una batalla en varios frentes: policial, militar, diplomático, cultural y filosófico. Toda pelea es provocada por desacuerdos locales de corto plazo. Pero

Cómo domesticar terroristas religiosos [Spanish translation] Read More »

Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series]

Rape is among the most horrific of crimes. Sex should be a fun and beautiful thing — but rape takes that most personal of experiences and turns it into a degradation. There is moderately good news about the number of rapes in the USA. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the rape rate has

Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series] Read More »