
Marx’s labor theory of value — Böhm-Bawerk’s rejection

The economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk arguing, in the 1890s, against the beloved-by-Marxists labor theory of value: “Value and effort, as I have stated at length in another place, are not ideas so intimately connected that one is forced immediately to adopt the view that effort is the basis of value. ‘That I have toiled over

Marx’s labor theory of value — Böhm-Bawerk’s rejection Read More »

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios?

[A translation by Matheus Pacini and Vinicius Cintra into Portuguese of my “Who Is Really Serious About Monopolies?”] Levante o tópico dos monopólios, e a discussão resultante rapidamente evidenciará deficiências ideológicas. Um colega com quem lecionei nas áreas de negócios e capitalismo enviou-me, de forma entusiasmada, esse artigo escrito por Paul Krugman, um economista vencedor

Quem trata seriamente dos monopólios? Read More »

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy?

Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks was published at The Foundation for Economic Education. Grégoire Canlorbe, a French intellectual entrepreneur residing in Paris conducted the interview. An excerpt follows. Grégoire Canlorbe: According to a popular opinion, left to its own devices, capitalism inevitably tends to a monopoly economy — an economy in

Does capitalism lead to a monopoly economy? Read More »

Conservatives Are *Not* Free-market Capitalists [Open College series]

The third episode in my Open College with Dr. Stephen Hicks podcast series. Audio links: iTunes. Soundcloud. Stitcher. YouTube. Topics and times: Conceptual clarification: “conservative,” “revolutionary,” “liberal” // Donald Trump versus Charles Koch // Robert Bork, Irving Kristol, Russell Kirk, Pat Buchanan, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn // Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, and Ayn Rand // Why

Conservatives Are *Not* Free-market Capitalists [Open College series] Read More »

Don’t Tread on Anyone — Keith Knight’s interview with me

At the Voluntaryist site, Keith Knight asked me seven questions: 1. What is liberal capitalism, and why is it a moral system? 2. What about the poor? What about bleeding-heart libertarianism, and why should poor people favor liberal capitalism? 3. What is wealth, and how can we accurately measure it? 4. What is the Frankfurt

Don’t Tread on Anyone — Keith Knight’s interview with me Read More »