
Poverty reduction and public awareness

Two data points and a question: 1. This graph showing the dramatic 80% reduction in the world poverty rate over the last 40 years: 2. This Gapminder survey showing that 95% of Americans asked believe that poverty rates have stayed the same or increased: The question: What explains the great discrepancy between reality and belief? […]

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PBS documentary on economic freedom: Gwartney, Hall, Lawson

The documentary airs in January on PBS stations nationwide. Here are the press releases from Joshua Hall’s West Virginia University and Robert Lawson’s Southern Methodist University. Professor Lawson spoke at Rockford University on economic freedom, and Professor Hall spoke here on education reform. Both talks were sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship.

PBS documentary on economic freedom: Gwartney, Hall, Lawson Read More »

Links for “13 arguments for liberal capitalism in 13 minutes”

For my “13 Arguments for Liberal Capitalism in 13 Minutes (more or less)”, here are direct links for each individual argument: 1. Liberal capitalism increases freedom. 2. People work harder in liberal capitalist systems. 3. People work smarter under liberal capitalism. 4. Liberalism increases individuality and creativity. 5. Liberal capitalism increases the average standard of

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“Third Way” Politics and Its Fruits — reprint version

Here’s a print version [pdf] of my post on “’Third Way’ politics and its fruits” from earlier this year. Thanks to Chris Vaughan for his graphics work. The opening: “In 1998, President Bill Clinton announced: ‘We have moved past the sterile debate between those who say Government is the problem and those who say Government

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Clemens on migration, poverty, and domestic wages

I enjoyed this EconTalk podcast with Michael Clemens of the Center for Global Development. Host Russ Roberts talked with Clemens about two of Clemens’s publications on foreign aid and migration.[1] A few interesting extracts with policy implications. Roberts and Clemens start with the big question of how to solve the problem of poverty. One approach

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Comparing Buenos Aires and Chicago — politics and economics

In a recent Kaizen interview, Argentine entrepreneur Enrique Duhau discussed some of the challenges of doing business in a country with a politicized economy. I was reminded of Campante and Glaeser’s comparative study of Buenos Aires and Chicago, two cities that were very similar in the nineteenth century. They were similar in population size, with

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Table: Unemployment and Minimum Wages in Europe, 2013

Following up on “European country data on the minimum wage,” here are the data for eighteen Western European countries in table form. Or here is the Excel spreadsheet. Sources: “List of sovereign states in Europe by minimum wage,” Wikipedia. “List of countries by unemployment rate,” Wikipedia. Both viewed 9 December 2013. Related: My video-lecture on

Table: Unemployment and Minimum Wages in Europe, 2013 Read More »