
Forbes on the Acton MBA

Forbes columnist Michael Noer has a nice feature on the Acton MBA — “Startup School: An MBA Designed For Entrepreneurs, Not I-Bankers.” Acton is unique because of “its relentless focus on a single goal: educating aspiring entrepreneurs. The curriculum discards the traditional M.B.A. silos of finance, accounting and marketing to revolve around the entrepreneurial cycle […]

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Spanish translation of “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship”

“Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento.” The Spanish translation of my essay is by Walter Jerusalinsky and published online at Idóneos e-magazine. The essay was first published in English as “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship” [pdf] in the Journal of Private Enterprise. It’s also available at the Social Science Research

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Terry Noel on management and entrepreneurship

Illinois State University professor Terry Noel’s 24-minute video lecture on “Management and Entrepreneurship.” Dr. Noel discusses the elements of management — planning, organizing, leading, controlling — including examples from Moses, Chinese warfare, Adam Smith, Eli Whitney, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, Frederick Taylor, Michael Taylor and Jay Barney — and management’s connection to entrepreneurship, with discussion

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Upcoming talk in Stockholm

From May 23-25, I’ll be participating in a colloquium on “Virtues and Entrepreneurship,” organized by Sweden’s Ratio Institute. My talk will be an extension of the theme of my “What Business Ethics Can Learn from Entrepreneurship,” arguing that the success traits of entrepreneurship map onto an updated Aristotelian virtue set. The conference will include keynote

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Interview with Robert Salvino

Robert Salvino (Economics, Coastal Carolina University) spoke at Rockford College on “Entrepreneurship and Public Policy.” In this follow-up interview, Salvino and I discuss entrepreneurial success traits, the institutional framework within which entrepreneurship best flourishes, the relative success of market-friendly versus government-chosen entrepreneurship policies (including examples such as Google, Apple, Solyndra, etc.), the effect of employer-provided

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From Poverty to Prosperity — Business and Economic ethics course

In my Business and Economic ethics course, we have started discussing Arnold Kling and Nick Schulz’s From Poverty to Prosperity: Intangible Assets, Hidden Liabilities and the Lasting Triumph over Scarcity. The book was re-issued in paperback with the title Invisible Wealth: The Hidden Story of How Markets Work. As I wrote earlier, it’s a very

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