Fruits of the Enlightenment

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems

Reprising this chart on the Enlightenment of the long 1700s and it self-conscious grasp it its own significance. Related: My “Enlightenment Vision” flowchart and other posts and lectures on the Enlightenment. The chart is from Chapter One of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault.

How the Enlightenment solved all of our problems Read More »

The French Revolution and the ending of slavery

When did slavery end? Intellectual historian Zeev Sternhell makes the following observation: “But it is above all the French Revolution that is overlooked. Slavery was in fact abolished by the French Revolution. The slaves, like the Jews, were liberated, and for the first time in history, all men living within the frontiers of a single

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Why life is 255 times better now than in 1800

Reprising this from when I read Deirdre McCloskey’s fascinating, intriguing, and wonderfully learned The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce (University of Chicago Press, 2006). Early on McCloskey cites three statistics about progress between 1800 and now: Wealth: “The amount of goods and services produced and consumed by the average person on the

Why life is 255 times better now than in 1800 Read More »

Debate: Is Postmodernism Right-Wing or Left-Wing?

I debated University of Queensland professor John Quiggin at a wonderfully full auditorium in Brisbane, Australia. Quiggin argued that postmodernism is a right-wing phenomenon, as evidenced by climate-change denialism and the presidency of Donald Trump. I argued the negative. An hour of debate, followed by audience questions. Also a brief comment from John Anderson, former

Debate: Is Postmodernism Right-Wing or Left-Wing? Read More »

Hazony Attacks the Enlightenment [Open College]

A new episode of my podcast series, produced by Possibly Correct out of Toronto. Conservative nationalist Yoram Hazony makes eight claims about the Enlightenment. One is mostly true, and seven are badly false or are grains of truth badly exaggerated. Audio: Youtube. Soundcloud.  Transcription: Will be available soon. Sources: Yoram Hazony, “What Was the Enlightenment?” Prager

Hazony Attacks the Enlightenment [Open College] Read More »