
Persian translation of “Hitler and the Death of Free Speech”

Thanks to Mohamad Machine-Chian for this translation. It was first published as two separate columns in The Good Life series as “Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision?” and “Is Free Speech Dead in Universities?” The two articles were edited by Vinay Kolhatkar and published at The Savvy Street. The articles were also translated

Persian translation of “Hitler and the Death of Free Speech” Read More »

How Socialist Were the Nazis?

From 2006, an eight-minute documentary clip with my answer. Topics covered: (1) National Socialist philosophy, (2) the Nazi Party’s original 25-point platform — collectivism, economic socialism, nationalism, authoritarianism — (3) negotiations to merge with the German Socialist Party, (4) Hitler and Goebbels speeches on socialism, and (5) the symbolism of the swastika. The book based

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The Truth Seeker — free thought magazine

The first issue of The Truth Seeker was published in 1873 and “counted among its illustrious subscribers and progressive writers Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Clarence Darrow, and Robert Ingersoll.” The latest issue includes my article “No Reformation for Islam, Please.” To download the issue, go to this page at The TruthSeeker and

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“The Philosophers and the Birth of National Socialism” — Gdańsk lecture

I gave a talk in Gdańsk, Poland, on “The Philosophers and the Birth of National Socialism.” Along the way we discuss Oswald Spengler, Carl Schmitt, Martin Heidegger, Friedrich Nietzsche, and others. The video of the lecture and question period is here (or at YouTube): Thanks to Dr. Marek Szymaniak of the Museum of the Second

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