
Broken Trough, Block 5

A broken trough along an eave at Auschwitz Block 5Lets melting snow splash to the earth.Unruly escape from an assigned path. On a hundred other buildings the troughs function well.According to plan.Collecting every drop.Guiding them along gutters.To waiting drains.And into the anonymous darkness below. Snow is water,And water is life.Cycles of separation and absorption. A […]

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Anti-smoking activists — historical anecdote

“Germany had the world’s strongest antismoking movement in the 1930s and early 1940s, supported by Nazi medical and military leaders worried that tobacco might prove a hazard to the race. Many Nazi leaders were vocal opponents of smoking. Anti-tobacco activists pointed out that whereas Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt were all fond of tobacco, the three

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Spenger’s Introduction to *The Decline of the West* [text]

The Decline of the West By Oswald Spengler Translated from the German by Charles Francis Atkinson New York: A. A. Knopf, 1918 Spengler’s Preface to the First Edition The complete manuscript of this book — the outcome of three years’ work — was ready when the Great War broke out. By the spring of 1917

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Religion and the Verdict of History [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This column is a part of the Theist vs. Atheist series debate between Stephen Hicks and John C. Wright. This is Hicks’s response to Wright’s column. Here are the links to other columns in the series.] To evaluate religion’s track record we need to specify our evaluative benchmarks and identify whether we are evaluating religion generically

Religion and the Verdict of History [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series]

[Originally published at EveryJoe.com.] Many smart people — including Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, Naser Khader in Newsweek, John Lloyd in The Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Wall Street Journal — are hoping that the Reformation will come to Islam. Some are calling for an Islamic Martin Luther. Sorry, but no.

No Reformation for Islam, Please [Good Life series] Read More »

Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision? [Good Life series]

German authorities will allow the republication of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, after decades of censorship. Decent people can argue that the book is too dangerous to be published. But the fact is that Mein Kampf is too dangerous not to be published. The great fear is that Hitler’s ideas are not dead and that his

Is Republishing Hitler’s Mein Kampf the Correct Decision? [Good Life series] Read More »