
The Revival of Nazism in Europe — It’s Not Just Racism [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “An old specter is again haunting Europe — neo-fascist and neo-Nazi movements and political parties are returning to prominence. “This feature in Britain’s The Guardian notes an increase in attacks on Jews in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. Further east and south Nazi-like parties are surging in […]

The Revival of Nazism in Europe — It’s Not Just Racism [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Preface to Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis*

The Polish translation of Nietzsche and the Nazis was published by the Fundacji Fuhrmanna (Fuhrmann Foundation, 2014) as Nietzsche i naziści, moje spojrzenia. Here, in English, is the Preface to the Polish edition. Preface to the Polish translation Friedrich Nietzsche — has any other thinker exerted so much influence after his death? One measure of

Preface to Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* Read More »

Question about economic freedom and British history

According to the 2014 Heritage index, the six most economically free nations are Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Canada. Question: Is it a coincidence that five of the six are former British colonies? Follow-up questions: * If not a coincidence, what did the British do in their colonies to enable this legacy

Question about economic freedom and British history Read More »

Full Kaizen interview with entrepreneur Surse Pierpoint

My full interview with Panama’s Surse Pierpoint is now posted at the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship’s site. The theme of the interview is Entrepreneurial Logistics in Panama. An abbreviated version was published last month in Kaizen. Be sure to read about how conquering malaria enabled the successful effort to build the Panama Canal early

Full Kaizen interview with entrepreneur Surse Pierpoint Read More »

Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [N&N audiobook]

Part 7 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 7. Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [mp3] [YouTube] [27 minutes] 34. Anti-individualism and collectivism [mp3] [YouTube] 35. Conflict of groups [mp3] [YouTube] 36. Instinct, passion, and anti-reason [mp3] [YouTube] 37. Conquest and war [mp3] [YouTube] 38. Authoritarianism [mp3] [YouTube] 39.

Nietzsche as a Proto-Nazi [N&N audiobook] Read More »

Video interview with Professor Nicholas Capaldi

Professor Capaldi lectured recently at Rockford University on the topic of “The Lockean Liberty Narrative versus the Rousseau Equality Narrative, and How These Narratives Explain Everything.” Afterward we discussed his themes — the conflict between the Lockean and Rousseauian narratives, enterprise and civil societies, the nature of the corporation, corporate philanthropy, cronyism, and more. Professor

Video interview with Professor Nicholas Capaldi Read More »