
Audiobook version of Nietzsche and the Nazis

Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View was first produced as a documentary in 2006. The book version was published in 2010. A Polish translation is forthcoming in 2014. We are releasing an audiobook version serially. To begin, here are Parts 1 and 2. Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [mp3] [YouTube] [5 minutes] 1.

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Explaining Nazism Philosophically [N&N audiobook]

Part 2 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 2. Explaining Nazism Philosophically [mp3] [YouTube] [17 minutes] 3. How could Nazism happen? [mp3] [YouTube] 4. Five weak explanations for National Socialism [mp3] [YouTube] 5. Explaining Nazism Philosophically [mp3] [YouTube] Forthcoming: Part 3. National Socialist Philosophy Part 4. The

Explaining Nazism Philosophically [N&N audiobook] Read More »

Introduction: Philosophy and History [N&N audiobook]

Part 1 of the audiobook version of my Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Personal View. Part 1. Introduction: Philosophy and History [mp3] [YouTube] [5 minutes] 1. Fascinated by history [mp3] [YouTube] 2.What is philosophy of history? [mp3] [YouTube] Forthcoming: Part 2. Explaining Nazism Philosophically Part 3. National Socialist Philosophy Part 4. The Nazis in Power

Introduction: Philosophy and History [N&N audiobook] Read More »

August Landmesser, Heinrich Himmler, Michael Karkoc, and Alfred Rosenberg

A busy week for Nazi-related news items: * A profile of August Landmesser, the man who famously crossed his arms and refused to salute Hitler, and how the Nazi regime destroyed him and his family. * A short, blunt, and horrifying speech given by Himmler to a group of SS officers: “I am talking about

August Landmesser, Heinrich Himmler, Michael Karkoc, and Alfred Rosenberg Read More »