
Professor Lentricchia on the use of Power in the Classroom [Pope Lecture Series]

If the pursuit of truth is rejected on postmodern grounds, what replaces it? In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and

Professor Lentricchia on the use of Power in the Classroom [Pope Lecture Series] Read More »

1932 Platform of the Democratic Party

A few elements from the 1932 Platform of the Democratic Party. Overall the document calls for much expansion of government, but also these: * An immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus and eliminating extravagance, to accomplish a saving of not less than 25% in

1932 Platform of the Democratic Party Read More »

Classical Socialism’s Four Claims against Capitalism [Pope Lecture Series, Clemson University]

In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and the power of reason. He then examines a series postmodern (and fellow-traveler) thinkers

Classical Socialism’s Four Claims against Capitalism [Pope Lecture Series, Clemson University] Read More »

Nietzsche on Kant, and his influence upon Postmodernism [Pope Lecture]

In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and the power of reason. He then examines a series postmodern (and fellow-traveler) thinkers

Nietzsche on Kant, and his influence upon Postmodernism [Pope Lecture] Read More »

“The Nazis were Socialist” — really?

From 2006, an eight-minute documentary clip with my answer. Topics covered: (1) National Socialist philosophy, (2) the Nazi Party’s original 25-point platform — collectivism, economic socialism, nationalism, authoritarianism — (3) negotiations to merge with the German Socialist Party, (4) Hitler and Goebbels speeches on socialism, and (5) the symbolism of the swastika. From 2006, an

“The Nazis were Socialist” — really? Read More »

The Anti-Capitalism Course: “Next-Generation Socialism?”

With Stephen Hicks, Ph.D. The fourth session of The Anti-Capitalism Course will be “Next Generation Socialism?” Socialist intellectual Robert Heilbroner’s question: If we acknowledge the disasters of 20th-century socialism, what lessons can we learn to do socialism better next time? Link to register for the session at Kazm. Reading in preparation for the session: Robert

The Anti-Capitalism Course: “Next-Generation Socialism?” Read More »