
On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska

Reality demandsthat we also mention this:Life goes on.It continues at Cannae and Borodino,at Kosovo Polje and Guernica. There’s a gas stationon a little square in Jericho,and wet painton park benches in Bila Hora.Letters fly back and forthbetween Pearl Harbor and Hastings,a moving van passesbeneath the eye of the lion at Chaeronea,and the blooming orchards near

On the heavy weight of history: *Reality Demands* by Wisława Szymborska Read More »

Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy [Education’s Villains and Heroes course]

The next session of our online course “Education’s Villains and Heroes”: October 12, when we will discuss John Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy. * Reading to prepare for this session: Excerpt from Democracy in Education (1916). * Link to register: ZOOM. To see more of our courses and related topics, visit Atlas Intellectuals. Related: Professor Hicks’s online course

Dewey & Pragmatic Democracy [Education’s Villains and Heroes course] Read More »

Professor Lentricchia on the use of Power in the Classroom [Pope Lecture Series]

If the pursuit of truth is rejected on postmodern grounds, what replaces it? In this invited lecture, Dr. Hicks surveys key educational ideas from pre-modern times, the modern era, and our post-modern times. Ancient education often stressed discipline, obedience and rule following, while modern thinkers such as Galileo, Locke, and Montaigne stressed independent judgment and

Professor Lentricchia on the use of Power in the Classroom [Pope Lecture Series] Read More »

1932 Platform of the Democratic Party

A few elements from the 1932 Platform of the Democratic Party. Overall the document calls for much expansion of government, but also these: * An immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures by abolishing useless commissions and offices, consolidating departments and bureaus and eliminating extravagance, to accomplish a saving of not less than 25% in

1932 Platform of the Democratic Party Read More »