
Philosophy’s longest sentences — Bentham edition

Philosophers are noted for their stylish prose as well as their profound insights. Or, to put that point in another, perhaps more felicitous, formulation, they are justly celebrated for their abilities in the words-putting-togetherness department. Earlier I presented some 100-plus word monster sentences from philosophers — Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Locke. But now, via Stuart Hayashi,

Philosophy’s longest sentences — Bentham edition Read More »

Save the economy in 7 easy steps (and have fun while doing it!)

When I was young, I believed in freedom and self-responsibility. Over the years, my professional colleagues have insisted that attitude is not in keeping with state-of-the-art public policy. They have taught me that leadership requires the use of any and all legislative tools to solve society’s problems. Bowing to their collective wisdom, here is my

Save the economy in 7 easy steps (and have fun while doing it!) Read More »