
Free and/or Safe Speech in Postmodern Times — upcoming talk in New York

I’ll be speaking at St. John’s University on March 27. My topic is “Safe and/or Free Speech in Postmodern Times.” Abstract: The liberal case for free speech won out in the modern world — but it has been challenged strongly, not only by traditional conservatives but also by the postmodern left. Hate speech, micro-aggressions, safe spaces, […]

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Letter from Nicholas Copernicus University College of Medicine

After my talk there on “How Ethics Drives the Debate over the USA’s Healthcare Politics and Economics,” I received this letter of appreciation from the program’s head, Dr. Hanna Kostyło. In Polish and in English (click on image to enlarge): A fine memento of an enjoyable event. I learned from Professora Kostyło that the College

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Lecture tour in Poland, January 2017

From January 6-16 I’ll be giving a total of eight talks in Poland: Bydgoszcz, Chojnice, Warszawa, and Kraków. Several of the talks are tied to the newly-published Polish edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. The Polish translation by Piotr Kostyło and Katarzyna Nowak was published as Zrozumieć postmodernizm. Sceptycyzm

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Texts in Philosophy — late 2016 additions

For use in my courses, additions to my Texts in Philosophy page. Mikhail Bakunin, God and the State (1871). René Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy (1641). Fyodor Dostoyevsky “The Grand Inquisitor”, excerpted from The Brothers Karamazov (1880). William James, “What Makes a Life Significant?” (1900). Immanuel Kant, “Duties towards the Body in Respect of Sexual

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Breitbart, Bannon, and my Marxist activism

[With Trump-strategist Steve Bannon all over the news, here’s a re-post of my one encounter with the Breitbart news and commentary site he headed.] What can I say? According to Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government website, Professor Stephen Hicks of Rockford College is a Marxist devoted to educating cadres of revolutionaries. Many people posted/emailed the Breitbart

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Three lectures upcoming in Minnesota (Gustavus Adolphus College)

On October 31, I will be giving three talks in Minnesota at Gustavus Adolphus College: * The Ethics Debates over Minimum Wages * National Socialism: Was it really socialist? Was it really a philosophy? * Entrepreneurship and the New Moral Leadership Thanks very much to Professor Marta Podemska-Mikluch of GAC’s economics department for inviting me.

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Upcoming talk on How Liberalism Makes You a Better Person

I’ll be participating in this fun-looking weekend conferenceat the University of Illinois, Springfield. My topic is: Does Free-market Liberalism Make You a Better Person? My abstract is: Advocates of free-market liberalism (FML) often emphasize how it increases people’s wealth and the many material benefits that wealth can bring—better nutrition, education, healthcare, artistic and cultural experiences,

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