
Four talks in Argentina, August 2016

Next week I’ll be in Argentina to give four invited talks. August 18: Buenos Aires, conference on my recently-translated book Explicando el Posmodernismo, la crisis del socialismo, with comments by Guillermo Yeatts and Eduardo Marty. My talk title: “Populists and Postmoderns: How Philosophy Empowers Bad Politics.” August 18. Leading a roundtable discussion on “Why the

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Do we really live in a world of scarce resources? No. [Good Life series]

You’ve likely heard the Bad News: we are supposed to be running out of resources. As a result you are sometimes asked: will you continue use up resources selfishly — or are you willing to make sacrifices? Possibly you individually are a person of selfless virtue, but how likely is it that most other people

Do we really live in a world of scarce resources? No. [Good Life series] Read More »

My friend Don Heath

Donald Heath died earlier this year, unexpectedly. He was my age, and we’d known each other since our university days, so his death was both sad and sobering. Mortality is often a future abstraction, but the loss of a unique, special individual makes it sharply real. The immensity of its finality becomes overwhelmingly present. Memories

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Grégoire Canlorbe’s FEE interview with me

On Monday, May 2, the Foundation for Economic Education will publish an abridged version of Grégoire Canlorbe’s interview with me. Title: Capitalism versus the Philosophers: An Interview with Stephen Hicks. Abstract: A market-friendly philosopher takes on postmodernists, Ayn Rand, Michel Foucault, and Fifty Shades of Grey. I’ll post the link upon publication.

Grégoire Canlorbe’s FEE interview with me Read More »

My article in The Wall Street Journal

On May 2, The Wall Street Journal will publish my article “What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us All About Life.” Here’s a snippet: “We often think of entrepreneurs as larger-than-life characters. They take big risks. They make their own rules. They innovate and experiment, questioning things everybody else takes for granted. “It can almost seem like entrepreneurs are a

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