
My travel/speaking schedule, September-December 2014

The new academic year is beginning, and here is my line-up for the first semester: September 4: Santiago de Chile, Department of Philosophy, Universidad de Chile. Topic: “Philosophy, Education, and Entrepreneurship.” September 18-21: Tucson, Arizona, Liberty Fund Seminar. Topic: “Is the Decline of Liberty Inevitable?” October 10-11: University of Illinois, Springfield. Topic: “Thirteen Arguments for […]

My travel/speaking schedule, September-December 2014 Read More »

Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* published

The Polish translation of Nietzsche and the Nazis has now officially been published by the Fundacji Fuhrmanna (Fuhrmann Foundation) as Nietzsche i naziści, moje spojrzenia. Many thanks to Dr. Przemysław Zientkowski for arranging this translation and publication, as well as to the translator, Izabela Kłodzinska. The cover was designed by Bartek.Balaa.Nowak. Information about other editions

Polish translation of *Nietzsche and the Nazis* published Read More »

Lisbon, Portugal talk upcoming: Did the Nazis use or abuse Nietzsche’s philosophy?

On Thursday, May 22, I’ll be giving a lecture at the Catholic University of Portugal in Lisbon. My title is: “Did the National Socialists Use or Abuse Nietzsche’s Philosophy?” The talk will be based on themes from my Nietzsche and the Nazis. Many thanks to Professor João Espada of CUP’s Institute for Political Studies for

Lisbon, Portugal talk upcoming: Did the Nazis use or abuse Nietzsche’s philosophy? Read More »

Upcoming lecture at Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland

On May 14, I’ll be in Toruń, Poland, at Nicholas Copernicus University to give a talk entitled “Two Narratives of Modernity: Enlightenment and Postmodern.” Thanks to Professors Marek N. Jakubowski and Przemek Zientkowski for the invitation. Additionally — how delightful to visit the home town of the historically-significant Nicholas Copernicus!

Upcoming lecture at Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland Read More »