
Stephen Hicks, “A Primer on Objective Journalism” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This week of the self-paced course on Objectivity features Stephen Hicks’s primer on Objective Journalism. “Objectivity means being committed to the facts and to using one’s mind as best one can to discover and interpret them. Journalistic objectivity includes being open to all the facts, doing research to discover the facts, verifying claims, and to integrating logically […]

Stephen Hicks, “A Primer on Objective Journalism” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Ayn Rand, “What is Capitalism?” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This week in the Atlas Intellectuals course on Capitalism we consider Ayn Rand´s controversial “What is Capitalism?” In this 1965 essay, first published in The Objectivist Newsletter and later in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Rand presents her philosophical and especially moral argument for capitalism. The full course: https://www.atlassociety.org/course/capitalism. Other Atlas Intellectuals courses on Socialism, Objectivity, Money, Robotics, and

Ayn Rand, “What is Capitalism?” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

“Can women and minorities think rigorously?” The SJW say “No”

Old-time racists and sexists said: “Clear thinking — it’s not for woman, minorities, and gays.” Social-Justice Wokists today say: “Exactly!!” Rigorous thinking, according to some, is a virtue that leads to safe high-voltage electrical systems, pharmaceutical doses that are precisely calibrated, and bridges that stay up. Not so, says engineering Professor Donna Riley. Rather it

“Can women and minorities think rigorously?” The SJW say “No” Read More »

Foucault as Nietzschean: on knowledge as injustice

Juxtaposing quotations from Michel Foucault (d. 1984) and Friedrich Nietzsche (d. 1900). First, here is Foucault: “All knowledge rests upon injustice; there is no right, not even in the act of knowing, to truth or a foundation for truth; and the instinct for knowledge is malicious (something murderous, opposed to the happiness of mankind).”[1] Friedrich

Foucault as Nietzschean: on knowledge as injustice Read More »