
Dr. William Kline on David Hume — video interview transcript

Interview conducted at Rockford University by Stephen Hicks and sponsored by the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship. Part I Hicks: I’m Stephen Hicks, executive director of CEE, and our guest today is Dr. William Kline, an expert on David Hume, the 18th-century Scottish Enlightenment philosopher. He spoke today at Rockford University in the Ethical Theory […]

Dr. William Kline on David Hume — video interview transcript Read More »

Sexo con Robots? La Ética [Spanish translation]

[This is a Spanish translation of my “Sex with Robots? The Ethics”, first published in English at EveryJoe.] Se está viniendo una nueva generación de robots sexuales, y las bromas ya han comenzado.  “Yo no necesito uno…” — dice una mujer casada — “mi marido ya es suficientemente robótico en la cama.” Ja ja.  “Seguro…”

Sexo con Robots? La Ética [Spanish translation] Read More »

Making Life Meaningful without Religion [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This column is a part of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen Hicks and John C. Wright. Here Hicks responds to Wright’s article. And here are the links to other columns in the series.] The quest for a meaningful life comes naturally to us. As infants we delight in exploring the world and developing

Making Life Meaningful without Religion [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »

On Natural Morality and Religious Amoralism [Theist vs. Atheist series]

[This column is a part of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen Hicks and John C. Wright. Here Hicks responds to Wright’s column about whether religion is essential to ethics.] In my judgment, issues of morality are the most difficult in philosophy. They are intellectually challenging, as everything about the human condition is

On Natural Morality and Religious Amoralism [Theist vs. Atheist series] Read More »

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico

por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “When Altruism Becomes Pathological,” first published in English at EveryJoe and then translated into Portuguese at Portal Libertarianismo.] ¿Quién es más propenso a engañar? ¿Aquellos que practican deportes individuales o aquellos que practican deportes en equipo? Un experimento fascinante realizado por el profesor Sharon K. Stoll y publicado en el Chronicle of

Cuando el Altruismo se vuelve patológico Read More »

Lifeboat ethics: how scarcity thinking sets us at each others’ throats [The Good Life series]

A scenario beloved of ethicists, public policy experts, and management consultants asks you to imagine yourself on a lifeboat. Built into such scenarios are powerful assumptions with life-or-death consequences, so as we work through the lifeboat scenario try to make those assumptions explicit. Here we go: You were flying over the Pacific, but bad weather

Lifeboat ethics: how scarcity thinking sets us at each others’ throats [The Good Life series] Read More »