
Recent sex scandals in philosophy departments

Sex scandals in Philosophy departments: * Miami’s Colin McGinn resigned. * Colorado’s Graeme Forbes resigned. * Yale’s Thomas Pogge is under serious investigation (thanks to Alex Tabarrok for the link). We might expect philosophers — especially those who specialize in ethics — to be more principled than the average. So Eric Schwitzgebel’s question is an […]

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My article published in The Wall Street Journal

My article “What Entrepreneurs Can Teach Us All About Life” has been published by The Wall Street Journal. Here is a snippet: “We often think of entrepreneurs as larger-than-life characters. They take big risks. They make their own rules. They innovate and experiment, questioning things everybody else takes for granted. “It can almost seem like entrepreneurs

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Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series]

Rape is among the most horrific of crimes. Sex should be a fun and beautiful thing — but rape takes that most personal of experiences and turns it into a degradation. There is moderately good news about the number of rapes in the USA. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the rape rate has

Campus sex and the anti-sexiness of the new authoritarians [Good Life series] Read More »

Is Life Unfair? My Challenge to the Best Tennis Player in the World [The Good Life]

[Originally published at] Let me brag a bit. In high school I was a pretty good at tennis. Now, many years later, I am an occasional weekend player who has somehow acquired the stamina (and the knees) of a middle-aged man. But I still have this recurring fantasy that I will play against the

Is Life Unfair? My Challenge to the Best Tennis Player in the World [The Good Life] Read More »

The ethics of sacrifice, National Socialist version

A fascinating brief item from the Library of Social Science‘s site. All German soldiers swore an oath to Adolf Hitler, vowing, “I shall at all times be prepared to give my life.” Similarly, those in the Schutzstaffel, or SS, vowed “absolute allegiance unto death.” Hitler drew the following conclusion, as he and the National Socialist

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St. Augustine on “Righteous Persecution”

Some quotations and brief glosses on Augustine’s views on the use of persecution and torture in order to save souls. “No salvation outside the church.” (418 CE) “[M]any must first be recalled to their Lord by the stripes of temporal scourging, like evil slaves, and in some degree like good-for-nothing fugitives.” Augustine had defended toleration

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CBC discussion of corruption and power

Tomorrow morning I’ll be on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s “The Current” radio program, which according to its website is “Canada’s Most Listened-to Radio Program.” Our topic is whether power corrupts. The journalistic context is the recent FIFA scandal, scandals in the Canadian Senate, and the ongoing scandals in politics, business, and so on around the

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