
A ética do bote salva-vidas, escassez e conflitos

Um cenário que é querido pelos eticistas, especialistas em políticas públicas e consultores em geral, pede que você se imagine em um bote salva-vidas. Nesses cenários estão inseridas suposições poderosas com implicações de vida ou morte, portanto, é interessante estuda-lo para compreendermos melhor do que se trata. Aqui vamos nós: Você estava sobrevoando o Oceano

A ética do bote salva-vidas, escassez e conflitos Read More »

Quando professores universitários podem manter relações sexuais com seus alunos?

Dois escândalos sexuais em departamentos de filosofia têm, de certa forma, escandalizado o mundo acadêmico nos últimos dias. Um deles, na Universidade de Miami na Flórida, levou à renúncia do professor Colin McGinn. O outro, na Universidade do Colorado, Boulder, resultou na substituição do chefe do departamento, Graeme Forbes. O caso do professor McGinn diz

Quando professores universitários podem manter relações sexuais com seus alunos? Read More »

Campus Sex and the Anti-Sexiness of the New Authoritarians [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Rape is among the most horrific of crimes. Sex should be a fun and beautiful thing – but rape takes that most personal of experiences and turns it into a degradation. “There is moderately good news about the number of rapes in the USA. According to the

Campus Sex and the Anti-Sexiness of the New Authoritarians [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Who Really Wants to Solve the Problem of Poverty? [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Let me share with you the most impressive number of our generation: 600 million. “That is how many people have been lifted out of extreme poverty in the last 25 years. Never before in history have so many raised themselves to a minimum level of comfort. “The

Who Really Wants to Solve the Problem of Poverty? [new The Good Life column] Read More »

Is Life Unfair? My Challenge to the Best Tennis Player in the World [new The Good Life column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Let me brag a bit. In high school I was a pretty good at tennis. Now, many years later, I am an occasional weekend player who has somehow acquired the stamina (and the knees) of a middle-aged man. “But I still have this recurring fantasy that I

Is Life Unfair? My Challenge to the Best Tennis Player in the World [new The Good Life column] Read More »

When Can Professors Have Sex with Their Students? [new “The Good Life” column]

The opening of my latest column at EveryJoe: “Two sex scandals in philosophy departments have, well, scandalized the academic world recently. “One at the University of Miami in Florida led to the resignation of professor Colin McGinn. The other, at the University of Colorado, Boulder resulted in the removal of the department chair, Graeme Forbes.

When Can Professors Have Sex with Their Students? [new “The Good Life” column] Read More »