
Ayn Rand, “What is Capitalism?” [Atlas Intellectuals]

This week in the Atlas Intellectuals course on Capitalism we consider Ayn Rand´s controversial “What is Capitalism?” In this 1965 essay, first published in The Objectivist Newsletter and later in Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, Rand presents her philosophical and especially moral argument for capitalism. The full course: Other Atlas Intellectuals courses on Socialism, Objectivity, Money, Robotics, and […]

Ayn Rand, “What is Capitalism?” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Educación Liberal y Sus Críticas Posmodernas

Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde, 2020. (Original English.) Stephen R. C. Hicks es Profesor en Filosofía en la Universidad de Rockford. Su libro más reciente es Explicando el Postmodernismo: Escepticismo y Socialismo Desde Rousseau a Foucault (Ockham’s Razor, 2011). Es una obviedad decir que la educación está politizada.

Educación Liberal y Sus Críticas Posmodernas Read More »

The Real Scrooge [Open College transcripts]

We’re posting the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Most are available only to subscribers, but here for the holiday season is the thirtieth, on Scrooge’s hero’s journey: To speak of pride, friendship, liberality, and an overarching wisdom about how they all contribute to a fully self-realized life—all of that is to make Dickens’s Scrooge

The Real Scrooge [Open College transcripts] Read More »

Hicks on “Can socialism be democratic?” [Waterfall]

The second Waterfall course: Socialism. Examine the aspirations, arguments, strategies, and disasters of socialist theory and practice—as well as explore the strongest criticisms of socialism. Authors include Ayn Rand, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Robert Heilbroner, Alan Charles Kors, George Orwell, Michael Harrington, Ludwig von Mises, Steven Horwitz, and C.S. Lewis. This week’s Waterfall features my

Hicks on “Can socialism be democratic?” [Waterfall] Read More »