History of Philosophy

A good year for Explaining Postmodernism

The Portuguese translation was published in Brazil, a Serbo-Croatian translation of the first chapter was published, and a new, expanded edition was published last month in Kindle and this month in a snazzy hardcover. Samples from the scholarly reviewers of the first edition: “By the end of Explaining Postmodernism, the reader may remain ill at

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Expanded edition of Explaining Postmodernism published

The Expanded Edition of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is scheduled for release mid-August in both hardcover and Kindle versions. The first edition did well (for a philosophy book), going through two hardcover and nine softcover printings. The expanded edition includes the original text, though with many new footnotes and

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Hayek and Rand on values — APEE 2011 conference

For this year’s conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education, I am organizing and chairing a session on two giants of the twentieth century — Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand — with four scholars comparing their views on values and political economy. Topic: Hayek and Rand on Values Chair: Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., Rockford College,

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The most dangerous philosophy book (Fall 2010 edition)

For my Introduction to Philosophy course, an optional question on the final exam was: In your judgment, what is the most dangerous book we read this semester? First give a clear and sympathetic presentation of the book’s most important themes, and then explain why you think the book is dangerous. We read six major works

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Kindle version of Explaining Postmodernism published

The Kindle version of my Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault is now available. The book had a gratifying two hardcover printings and eight softcover printings from 2004-2009, and I am finalizing an expanded edition to be published in hardcover in the spring of 2011. Here’s the book description: “Tracing postmodernism from

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Postmodern philosophy: Introduction

Stephen Hicks introduces postmodern philosophy by contrasting its themes to modernism and pre-modernism. This is from Part 14 of his Philosophy of Education course. 1 Clip: Previous: [Part 13: Marxism] Education under socialism. Next: What modernism is. Return to the Philosophy of Education page or the full lecture series on Philosophy of Education at YouTube

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