Interview: Rand, Kant, Israel v. Islamists, & Career integrity—Stephen Hicks with Vinay Kolhatkar and Roger Bissell
We covered a lot of ground in one hour: Related: The publications mentioned in the interview:
We covered a lot of ground in one hour: Related: The publications mentioned in the interview:
[Reprising this piece in the light of this year’s upsurge of Islamism.] Many smart people — including Thomas Friedman in The New York Times, Naser Khader in Newsweek, John Lloyd in The Jerusalem Post, Ayaan Hirsi Ali in The Wall Street Journal — are hoping that the Reformation will come to Islam. Some are calling
No Reformation for Islam, Please Read More »
Physicist Lawrence Krauss and I appeared jointly in Boulder, CO, to the discuss “The Anti-Science of God?” We ranged over several sub-issues: What is religion? What is science? Is God meaningless? Are all religions equally unscientific or do some try, even if weakly, not to be? Has the is/ought dichotomy made the problem worse? Related:
“Is God Anti-Scientific?” My answer: It depends. [Krauss/Hicks discussion] Read More »
Auguste Comte coined the term “altruism” and is a founder of sociology. What is altruism, and why does Comte argue for a “Sociocracy”—i.e., the rule of priestly sociologist-kings? Who are the great philosophers and what are their key ideas? From the beginning of philosophy in Greek myths to the influential thinkers of our own time,
In 2006, Professor Smith published Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics: The Virtuous Egoist (Cambridge University Press). In 2007, I reviewed it for the journal Philosophy in Review. Here is an audio version in MP3 format or at YouTube. Eight minutes: And here is a PDF version. Related: My review of David Kelley’s The Evidence of the
Review of Tara Smith’s *Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics* — audio version Read More »
Sample data for 2023 * Walmart net profit: 2.13% * City of Chicago sales tax on WalMart purchases: 10.25% * US federal government tax rate on Walmart: 29.1%.
Price gouging at Walmart Read More »
On their Theory of Anything podcast, Bruce Nielson and Peter Johansen discuss epistemology with me. One big question we take up: Before doing high-level philosophy of science—logic, math, experiment design, theory-formation—how important is it to have good accounts of base-level cognition—perception, conception, proposition-formation? Another: What are the similarities and differences between Critical Rationalism (launched by
Critical Rationalism and Objectivism—on the Theory of Anything podcast Read More »
In the first episode of the new season of Open College, my question in this episode is for my fellow parents and educators in this era of accelerating robotics and artificial intelligence: How do we prepare young people to work at jobs that don’t exist yet? “Artificial Intelligence Means Entrepreneurial Education Now“ Episode Number: 56