
Los Conservadores *NO* Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado

Stephen R. C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermín Elizalde. Navegar en la red y otros lugares es una manera fácil de identificar el conservadurismo con políticas de libre mercado. Se propone una política de liberalización económica, los periodistas la etiquetarán como una política “conservadora” y los comentaristas, dependiendo de su origen, lamentarán o celebrarán

Los Conservadores *NO* Son Capitalistas de Libre-Mercado Read More »

Hicks, Kelley, and Salsman discussion of Covid politics, $1.9 trillion “stimulus,” and Seuss

A new Current Events feature at TASA — a monthly one-hour discussion by philosopher David Kelley, economist Richard Salsman, and me. We’ll cover three headlines-that-week events. This time: one-year anniversary of lockdown politics, another $1.9 trillion of debt and fake labeling, the cancel-versus-liberal culture. Youtube.

Hicks, Kelley, and Salsman discussion of Covid politics, $1.9 trillion “stimulus,” and Seuss Read More »

Derrida, according to Searle and Foucault

John Searle reports this conversation with Michel Foucault about deconstructionist Jacques Derrida:  ‘You can hardly misread him, because he’s so obscure. Every time you say, “He says so and so,” he always says, “You misunderstood me.” But if you try to figure out the correct interpretation, then that’s not so easy. I once said this

Derrida, according to Searle and Foucault Read More »

Informal fallacies — pomo and wokist versions

I’m starting a list of now-common fallacies. Not all of their labels are original to me. Argumentum ad Sneerium (definition): The fallacious tactic of substituting derision or disdain for responsive argument. Argumentum ex Rectum: The practice of arguing by pulling ‘facts’ out of one’s ass and shoving them insincerely into a debate. Alternative definition: Making shit

Informal fallacies — pomo and wokist versions Read More »