
Today’s systemic witch-hunters

Be not deceived by apparent progress: systemic witchcraft still plagues our society. In December 1484, the Pope issued the “Witches Bull,” sanctioning the “correcting, imprisoning, punishing and chastising” of witches: “Many persons of both sexes … have abandoned themselves to devils, incubi and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations, and other accursed charms and […]

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The Stain of Slavery [Open College notes]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the notes and transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the nineteenth: Professor Henry Louis Gates, Chair of African and African-American Studies at Harvard University wrote: “without complex business partnerships between African elites and European traders and commercial agents, the slave trade to the New World would have been

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A Conversation with Dr. Jordan Peterson [Open College transcripts]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the eighteenth: Jordan Peterson: “Your book Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault in particular has been quite controversial, so I thought we’d start with that …” Audio versions of the podcast are available free at my website, YouTube,

A Conversation with Dr. Jordan Peterson [Open College transcripts] Read More »

Artists Need Free Minds and Free Markets [Colombia talk]

I’ll be speaking (by Zoom) at the Media Entrepreneurial Marathon today (November 21, 2020) at 9:30 Central Time. The conference is sponsored by a large group of Latin American idea and entrepreneurship organizations committed to creative and business freedom. Related: How great artists become great: Liszt. Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky. Beethoven. Creative geniuses as selfish: Maria

Artists Need Free Minds and Free Markets [Colombia talk] Read More »

Rioting over the truly important things in life

The Homestead Riot of 1892 was a watershed event in American business history. At the Homestead Steel Works near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, union leaders and workers rejected wage cuts proposed by owner Andrew Carnegie and plant manager Henry Frick. Negotiations failed, a strike began, the plant was closed, workers armed themselves, Pinkerton security forces were called

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Israel’s Roi Yozevitch interview on science and postmodernism

My Explaining Postmodernism was recently published in Hebrew translation, which led to this interview with Israeli scientist Roi Yozevitch. We focus on the inroads that political correctness and postmodernism are making are making into science. Dr. Roi Yozevitch, “Free Speech and PC in Academia, Science and Society. A conversation with Professor Stephen Hicks.”

Israel’s Roi Yozevitch interview on science and postmodernism Read More »

Why Postmoderns Train—Not Educate—Activists [Open College transcript]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the fifteenth: We’ve all run into teachers who think like this: There is One Truth and I am in possession of it. So important is it that students must believe it and it alone. Alternative ideas are a waste of time

Why Postmoderns Train—Not Educate—Activists [Open College transcript] Read More »