
Is Racial Tolerance the Best We Can Do? [Good Life series]

Racist attitudes are a holdover from primitive times. There is still plenty of racism, but we have made progress in some parts of the world, as this Washington Post graphic of most and least racist nations shows. In much of Europe, North and South America, Australia and New Zealand, and a few other places, racism […]

Is Racial Tolerance the Best We Can Do? [Good Life series] Read More »

Os limites da livre imigração [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of “The Limits of Open Immigration”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Quando eu imigrei para os Estados Unidos, a experiência não foi bem um pesadelo, mas uma série de sonhos ruins. Eu era do amistoso vizinho Canadá. Eu tinha um Ph.D. e uma oferta de trabalho de uma universidade

Os limites da livre imigração [Portuguese translation] Read More »

A batalha pelas universidades [Portuguese translation]

Primeiro ponto: os manifestantes não são nem “flocos de neve” que derretem quando o clima esquenta, nem “flores delicadas” cujos sentimentos são machucados. Os estudantes universitários já viram filmes violentos, terminaram relacionamentos, leram coisas grotescas na internet, viram filmes pornôs, perderam pessoas queridas, e ouviram notícias trágicas sobre eventos ao redor do mundo. Ainda assim,

A batalha pelas universidades [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Our Schizophrenic Politics — Sex, Health, Religion, Money, and Other Important Stuff [Good Life series]

schiz•o•phren•ic, adjective: Of, relating to, or characterized by the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic elements. Let’s talk about one reason why politics makes us all a little crazy — its incoherent mix of laws and regulations. (Warning: overcharged metaphor ahead.) Not only does the left hand of government often not know what the right hand

Our Schizophrenic Politics — Sex, Health, Religion, Money, and Other Important Stuff [Good Life series] Read More »

Ukrainian translation of Nietzsche and the Nazis published

Mariupol State University Press has published the Ukrainian translation of my Nietzsche and the Nazis book. Much thanks to Dr. Przemysław Zientkowski for initiating the project and to the team at MSUP for producing it. Here is is the book’s description in English: Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is famous for his statement that “God is dead”

Ukrainian translation of Nietzsche and the Nazis published Read More »

Lifeboat ethics: how scarcity thinking sets us at each others’ throats [The Good Life series]

A scenario beloved of ethicists, public policy experts, and management consultants asks you to imagine yourself on a lifeboat. Built into such scenarios are powerful assumptions with life-or-death consequences, so as we work through the lifeboat scenario try to make those assumptions explicit. Here we go: You were flying over the Pacific, but bad weather

Lifeboat ethics: how scarcity thinking sets us at each others’ throats [The Good Life series] Read More »

Nuestro problema con el Che Guevara

por Stephen Hicks  [This is a Spanish translation of “Our Che Guevara Problem”, first published in English at EveryJoe and then translated into Portuguese at Portal Libertarianismo.] Es muy probable que alguien que conozcas tenga una camiseta del Che. Versiones románticas del rostro barbudo de Ernesto Guevara Lynch son muy populares en los campus universitarios y

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