
Quando o altruísmo torna-se patológico [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of “When Altruism Becomes Pathological”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Quem é mais propenso a trapacear — praticantes de esportes individuais ou de esportes coletivos? Um experimento fascinante realizado pelo professor Sharon K. Stoll, publicado no Chronicle of Higher Education, compara atletas de esportes individuais como golfe ou tênis simples

Quando o altruísmo torna-se patológico [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Why power does not corrupt — and it is character that matters most [The Good Life series]

As with sex and money — and most of the important matters in life — many silly things are said about power. Perhaps the granddaddy of those silly things is the oft-quoted phrase, Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is an important truth that Lord Acton’s phrase tries to capture. But taken literally

Why power does not corrupt — and it is character that matters most [The Good Life series] Read More »

Recent sex scandals in philosophy departments

Sex scandals in Philosophy departments: * Miami’s Colin McGinn resigned. * Colorado’s Graeme Forbes resigned. * Yale’s Thomas Pogge is under serious investigation (thanks to Alex Tabarrok for the link). We might expect philosophers — especially those who specialize in ethics — to be more principled than the average. So Eric Schwitzgebel’s question is an

Recent sex scandals in philosophy departments Read More »

Como domesticar terroristas religiosos [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Stephen Hicks’s “How to Tame Religious Terrorists”, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Derrotar um inimigo como o Islã politizado é uma batalha de múltiplas frentes — policial, militar, diplomática, cultural e filosófica. Toda luta começa com desavenças locais e de curto prazo. Entretanto, conflitos generalizados de longa duração são

Como domesticar terroristas religiosos [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation]

[This is a Portuguese translation of Part 1 of the Theist vs. Atheist debate series between Stephen R.C. Hicks and John C. Wright, originally published in English at EveryJoe.] Vale a pena discutir religião? Por Stephen Hicks Tradução e Revisão de Matheus Pacini Minha resposta é: certamente, vale a pena discutir sobre religião. Todos nós

Católico vs. Ateu, Parte 1: Vale a pena discutir religião? [Portuguese translation] Read More »

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation]

Por Stephen Hicks [This is a Spanish translation of “Comparing North and Latin American Economic Performance”, originally published in English at EveryJoe and in Portuguese at Libertarianismo.] Todos queremos que la gente logre vivir en forma adecuada, especialmente las personas pobres que están luchando por ello. Y si somos ambiciosos, queremos además que la gente pueda vivir

Comparando el desempeño económico de América del Norte y América Latina [Spanish translation] Read More »