
Reason or Emotion? | Philosophy for Real Life (5 of 22) | Stephen Hicks

Two-minute answers to key questions about philosophy, politics, art, and the meaning of life. Filmed in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The full series is published at the CEE Video Channel. Description: At some point in our lives, we each ask ourselves the big questions. How we respond has great impact on our lives. Some accept easy […]

Reason or Emotion? | Philosophy for Real Life (5 of 22) | Stephen Hicks Read More »

Ayn Rand, “The Left: Old and New” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this unit of Atlas University’s course on Socialism: Rand analyzes a major shift in leftist strategy—the narrative shift from Old Left to New Left defenses of socialism as the ultimate moral system. Their fundamental principles of “mysticism-altruism-collectivism” have not changed—rather the New Left is “cruder and more honest” in its explicit goals and practical

Ayn Rand, “The Left: Old and New” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Professor Max Hocutt’s review of *Explaining Postmodernism*

“This excellent little volume, by an objectivist philosopher possessed of acute understanding and broad learning, asks and answers two pertinent questions: First, why have ‘postmodernist’ intellectuals of the kind you find in English departments and Women Studies programs, but not the Chemistry department, rejected Enlightenment belief in reason while embracing epistemological relativism and metaphysical nihilism

Professor Max Hocutt’s review of *Explaining Postmodernism* Read More »

Lucro: bueno, malo y obsceno

Lucro: bueno, malo y obsceno Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. A nadie le gusta perder dinero, pero el lucro genera actitudes polarizadas. Como ocurre con la mayoría de los fenómenos con carga moral—la competencia, la riqueza, la pobreza, la propiedad—lograr superar las discusiones confusas, requiere algunas distinciones sutiles. Para más artículos en español: Original article in

Lucro: bueno, malo y obsceno Read More »

Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento

Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. …la ética empresarial debería fundamentarse en los valores y las virtudes de los emprendedores, es decir, esos individuos productivos y responsables por sí mismos que crean valor e intercambian con otras personas para mutuo beneficio… Para más artículos en español: English. Portuguese Translation

Lo que la Ética Empresarial Puede Aprender del Emprendimiento Read More »

Robert Heilbroner, “Socialism” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this week on the Waterfall course on Socialism: Robert Heilbroner, “Socialism”. Robert Heilbroner (1919-2005) was the most distinguished American academic socialist of the 20th century. In this article, written after the fall of the Soviet Union, Heilbroner argues as a social scientist that socialists must diagnose accurately the failings of socialist experiments in order to correct

Robert Heilbroner, “Socialism” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »