
When A seems to mean not-A, context matters

One must always interpret a comprehensive philosopher’s remarks on applied matters in the context of his philosophical system. Let me give an exaggerated, fictional example to stress this point about method. Suppose one reads … Chapter One of a philosopher’s book in which one finds affirmations that individuals should seek freedom and realize their true selves […]

When A seems to mean not-A, context matters Read More »

Tara Smith, “Objective Law” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this week of the self-paced course on Objectivity we feature Tara Smith’s “Objective Law”. Smith (Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University) is professor of philosophy at the University of Texas and author of Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System (Cambridge University Press, 2015). Our Executive Summary gives eight key points from Smith’s 13-page article. The full course

Tara Smith, “Objective Law” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Bhattacharya’s expulsion from university, and slippery-slope parallels

Kieran Bhattacharya was expelled from the University of Virginia medical school. A journalistic account is here. The university claims his persistent questioning at a panel discussion and his follow-up resistance to the university’s orders violated “the school’s professionalism standards.” Professionalism cuts both ways at a university — both for students and for faculty/administrators — but

Bhattacharya’s expulsion from university, and slippery-slope parallels Read More »

Explicando o Pós-modernismo: Ceticismo e socialismo — de Rousseau a Foucault 

Translated into Brazilian Portuguese. Publicado pela primeira vez em Inglês: Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault (Scholargy, 2004). Portugués: Faro Editorial (São Paulo, 2021). Amazon Brazil. E-book. Amazon Kindle. iTunes.Resumo: O Pós-modernismo, por abordar temas que afligem o homem de hoje — como às inquietações em relação ao futuro e o colapso

Explicando o Pós-modernismo: Ceticismo e socialismo — de Rousseau a Foucault  Read More »

El populismo triunfa donde falla la educación

El populismo triunfa donde falla la educación Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Para Hicks, estas escuelas de pensamiento están en constante conflicto. Por un lado, se encuentran los ídolos del sistema educativo de América Latina: Rousseau, Marx, Hegel, Heidegger, Foucault, Sartre, Kant, Nietzsche y Derrida. Por el otro, tenemos a Bacon, Locke, Newton, Smith,

El populismo triunfa donde falla la educación Read More »

Nietzsche on sensuality and intellectuality

Nietzsche is often reductionist, so this aspirational mind-body integration claim is striking: “It is probable that in such perfectly well-constituted men, enjoyments of a wholly sensual nature are ultimately transfigured into allegorical reveries of the highest intellectuality; they experience in themselves a kind of deification of the body” The Will to Power, 1051

Nietzsche on sensuality and intellectuality Read More »