
My Recommended Books lists

My lists are here: 1. Favorites in seven categories. 2. Best history of philosophy: 3. Four books on postmodernism: 4. My formative years:

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Ayn Rand, “The Objectivist Ethics” [Atlas Intellectuals]

In this unit of our course on Objectivity we feature Ayn Rand’s Objectivist Ethics. Rand was world-famous as the author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged when a collection of essays entitled The Virtue of Selfishness was published in 1964. In the opening essay, Rand presents a sustained argument for her ethic of rational self-interest. The full course on Objectivity:

Ayn Rand, “The Objectivist Ethics” [Atlas Intellectuals] Read More »

Covid over-reach from paternalism to military dictatorship

Governments are properly servants of their citizens. But if you’re a politician without principles or a dictator wannabe — and it does not matter if the issue is religious belief, marijuana use, or Covid — the pattern is always the same: * First, you paternalistically order citizens to comply, rather than advising and recommending free

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Russian translation published: *Explaining Postmodernism*

RIPOL Classic Publishing (Moscow) has published a Russian-language edition of Explaining Postmodernism: Skepticism and Socialism from Rousseau to Foucault. Here’s an image of the final version of the cover. The book’s thesis: The failure of epistemology made postmodernism possible, and the failure of socialism made postmodernism necessary. Information about other editions and translations is here.

Russian translation published: *Explaining Postmodernism* Read More »

Educación Liberal y Sus Críticas Posmodernas

Educación Liberal y Sus Críticas Posmodernas Por Stephen R. C. Hicks, Ph.D. Es una obviedad decir que la educación está politizada. Sin embargo, mi objetivo aquí es mostrar que las batallas politizadas por la educación no se tratan principalmente de política sino de filosofía. Las batallas políticas toman temperatura, no sólo porque es alto lo

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