
On property rights as a check against political power, Pitt edition

“The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the Crown. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter!” (William Pitt, March 1763 speech. Pitt was a British Whig politician, including being Prime Minister

On property rights as a check against political power, Pitt edition Read More »

Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group

Two documents. Which is real? And now the original: [Lenin quotation source.] Raw text versions follow: 1. Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group For our racist and sexist society, freedom of  speech means freedom for whites and males to control the media, a practice which in all countries, including even the

Press Release: People of Color and Gender Equality Working Group Read More »

Christian Socialism and C. S. Lewis [Open College transcript]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the seventeenth: C. S. Lewis said forthrightly: “A Christian society would be what we now call Leftist.” If we were to imagine, he asks us, a real Christian society, we would see that “its economic life was very socialistic.”  Audio versions of

Christian Socialism and C. S. Lewis [Open College transcript] Read More »

Stephen Hicks Interview with Glenn Beck [Open College transcript]

We’re now posting serially at thinkspot the transcripts of my Open College podcasts. Here’s the sixteenth: Socialism is partly an ethos, and partly it’s politics. The ethos is that you belong to a social unit, not an individual self; your allegiance, your values, and in some cases, your identity comes from being a part of

Stephen Hicks Interview with Glenn Beck [Open College transcript] Read More »

Canada Strong and Free Network interview — Troy Lanigan

1. Why does reason even matter? 2. What’s important about the Enlightenment? 3. Kant’s “Copernican Revolution” — a counter-Enlightenment subjectivism? 4. Canada and the USA as importers of ideas from Europe? 5. Common themes in Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche? 6. Subjective passionism contra liberal democracy? 7. Which groups will dominate in the conflict? 8. Why are

Canada Strong and Free Network interview — Troy Lanigan Read More »