
Elizabeth Warren’s Plan — We’ve Seen This Before

Consider this description of an economic system: “The economy is collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level. This non-elected form of state officializing of every interest will reduce the marginalization of singular interests. The system will recognize every divergent interest into the state organically, not meaning a

Elizabeth Warren’s Plan — We’ve Seen This Before Read More »

Will the Alt-Right make the Left embrace the Enlightenment?

[Reposting from its first publication at EveryJoe.] Is a seismic change rumbling through Left-wing circles? In the hard-Left Jacobin magazine, two young philosophers bemoan their discovery that postmodern strategies have now been captured by the hateful and hated Alt-Right — and so in reaction they propose that socialists embrace the philosophy of the Enlightenment.[1] President Donald

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Anti-liberals — Left and Right — versus the Kochs

Leftists have long been apoplectic about Koch money on campus, especially when used to support discussions of free-market principles. Now they are strange bedfellows with the Trump right-wing, which also attacks free markets, especially on immigration and trade. Here’s Donald Trump dissing Charles and David Koch: “‘I never sought their support because I don’t need

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13 Argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal en 13 Minutos

13 Argumentos para el Capitalismo Liberal en 13 Minutos por Stephen R.C. Hicks Traducido al Español por Fermin Elizalde y María Marty Original English. Portuguese. German. Argumento 1: El Capitalismo Liberal aumenta la libertad Primero, definamos nuestros términos. Por “Liberalismo” nos referimos a una red de principios que están institucionalizados. Los politólogos hablarán de ellos

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