
“Is Political Evil Built Into Religion?” [CHURCH and STATE]

At Britain’s CHURCH and STATE site, my article “Is Political Evil Built Into Religion?” has been republished. It is common in debates for atheists to cite the long history of fanaticism, torture, and war that religion has caused and for theists to respond that such evils are aberrations and that their own preferred religion, properly […]

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13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten

13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten Much thanks to Christoph Petzold, Ilona Rossa, and Alexander Fürstenberg for publishing this German translation of my “13 Arguments for Liberal Capitalism in 13 Minutes”. Here is a click-to-enlarge version of the flowchart of the arguments: The flowchart with German subtitles is here in PDF. Here also

13 Thesen zum liberalen Kapitalismus in 13 Minuten Read More »

The population evils of capitalism

[In preparation for a conference, I’m reading a lot about population, ethics, and economics. Extrapolating from my readings, I offer the following arguments.] 1. Capitalism is about greed. It encourages women to be greedy too. So women will pursue careers and forego family. Hence capitalism causes population decreases. 2. Capitalism is about consumerism, so people

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Keynes: bad economics and bad politics

David Weinberger beats up on Keynes’s economics here: “despite numerous experiments since the 1930s, never has Keynesian policy precipitated a peacetime economic recovery.” And I beat up on Keynes’s politics here: “Keynes was not merely recommending a few surgical interventions to smooth out cycles or to jump-start moribund economies. Keynes’s economics are part of a

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Immanual Kant versus Liberalism — my three Cato articles collected

Here are my three collected posts in the Cato Unbound series:   Does Kant Have a Place in Classical Liberalism? How Kant’s political views are a mix of liberal and anti-liberal claims, but, more importantly, how his fundamental distinction between noumenal and phenomenal selves means that philosophically he has no defense of practical liberalism.  

Immanual Kant versus Liberalism — my three Cato articles collected Read More »

Defeatist psychology on the Left

Half a century ago, a despairing left intellectual wrote: “The Millenium Has Been Cancelled.” Edward Hyams was reacting to the many total failures of socialism in theory and practice, as well as to the apparent endurance of some sort of liberal capitalism.[1] In a recent review of a far-leftist book — Enzo Traverso’s Left-Wing Melancholia: Marxism, History,

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